The Best Soil for Fiddle Leaf Figs: A Guide to Thriving Plants

When it comes to the best soil for your fiddle leaf fig, there are a few things you need to take into account.

In this post, we’re going to break down everything you need to know so you can create the perfect environment for your plant to thrive.

So, what’s the best soil for fiddle leaf figs? Keep reading to find out!

What is a fiddle leaf fig tree?

The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, also known as the Ficus Lyrata, is a species of fig tree that is native to central and western Africa.

The tree gets its name from its large, luscious green leaves, which are shaped like violins.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees are relatively low maintenance and can be easily cared for with minimal effort.

The best way to maintain a Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree is to keep it in an environment similar to its natural habitat. This means that the tree should be kept in a warm, humid climate with bright indirect sunlight.

The soil should also be moist but well-drained, and the tree should be watered on a regular basis.

Do fiddle leaf figs need special soil?

This is a common question among those who are thinking about getting a fiddle leaf fig tree. The answer is yes and no. Fiddle leaf figs do not need special soil, but the type of soil you use can affect the health of your tree.

The ideal soil for fiddles should be a balance of drainage and water retention. The pH balance of the soil is also important, as it affects how the roots absorb nutrients. A soil with the wrong pH can lead to nutrient deficiencies, which can cause problems for your fiddle leaf fig.

You can pot a fiddle leaf fig in a nice, chunky cactus mix or throw some extra bark or perlite into an indoor potting soil to increase the drainage. This generally has the balance of drainage and water retention we’re looking for, but the pH may not be optimal for long-term health.

What is the best soil for fiddle leaf figs?

While fiddle leaf figs are relatively easy to care for, they do have one specific requirement: well-draining soil.

Fiddle leaf figs are native to tropical climates, where the soil is typically very dense and high in organic matter.

As a result, they are susceptible to root rot if the soil is too wet. To provide your fiddle leaf fig with the best possible growing conditions, look for a potting mix that contains a mixture of sand, peat moss, and perlite.

This will help to ensure that the soil drains quickly and does not become overly saturated.

You should also check the pH level of the potting mix before planting; fiddle leaf figs prefer slightly acidic soil, with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5

What are the ingredients needed to create the best soil mix for fiddle leaf figs?

There are a few key ingredients you’ll need to create the best soil mix for fiddle leaf figs:


Perlite is a type of volcanic glass that is used in a variety of gardening applications. When it is added to soil, it helps to improve drainage and aeration.

This, in turn, can help to increase root growth and promote healthier plant growth overall.

In addition, perlite can help to reduce the risk of overwatering by allowing excess water to drain away quickly. 


Vermiculite is a versatile material that has a wide range of uses, from improving soil drainage and aeration to providing insulation.

It is made from a type of clay that expands when heated, creating small, lightweight pellets.

Vermiculite can absorb water and then release it at a slow rate, making it an ideal growing medium for plants. In addition, the material is sterile and has a neutral pH, making it safe for use with delicate plants

Peat moss:

Peat moss is a type of organic matter that is commonly used in gardening and landscaping.

Peat moss helps to retain moisture, which is beneficial for plants that require more water.

In addition, peat moss keeps the soil acidic, which is important for some plants that prefer low pH levels.

Peat moss can be mixed into the soil or used as a mulch, and it is an effective way to improve the drainage and texture of the soil for fiddle leaf figs. 


Sand helps to improve drainage and prevents the soil from becoming too dense.

It also provides a home for beneficial bacteria and fungi, which help to break down organic matter and release nutrients into the soil.

In addition, sand helps to aerate the soil, making it easier for roots to spread out and absorb water and nutrients.

Other organic materials:

When it comes to potting soil, both inorganic and organic materials are important. Inorganic materials provide structure and nutrients, while organic materials help to improve drainage and aeration.

However, it is the organic material that is most important for providing the nutrients that plants need to grow.

There are a variety of different organic materials that can be used in potting soil, including manures, coco coir, worm castings, and compost.

Each of these materials is rich in nutrients and has a different pH level, making them ideal for different plants. In addition, organic material also helps the soil to retain the right amount of moisture.

So if you’re looking to create a nutrient-rich potting mix for your plants, be sure to include plenty of organic material. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your plants have everything they need to thrive.

How do you mix the best soil for fiddle leaf fig?

If you’re hoping to grow a healthy fiddle leaf fig, you’ll need to start with the right soil mix.

While there are many commercial mixes available, it’s also easy to make your own.

The key is to create a mix that is lightweight and well-aerated, yet still able to hold onto moisture.

A good starting point is two parts peat moss and one part perlite. You can also add in some vermiculite and organic material like coco coir, compost, etc. for extra nutrients and drainage.

Once you’ve mixed together all of the ingredients, be sure to soak the soil thoroughly before planting your fiddle leaf fig.

What’s the best readymade soil mix for fiddle leaf figs?

When it comes to potting mix, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The best potting mix for a fiddle leaf fig will depend on the plant’s specific needs.

However, there are a few factors to keep in mind when choosing a potting mix for a fiddle leaf fig.

First, the mix should be well-drained and not too dense. Second, it should be high in organic matter to help the plant retain moisture. Third, it should be rich in nutrients to support the plant’s growth.

A good quality potting mix should meet all of these requirements.

One brand of potting mix that meets these criteria is FoxFarm Ocean Forest Potting Mix. This mix is made from a blend of coco coir, peat moss, and composted forest products. It is perfect for use with fiddle leaf figs and other tropical plants.

What’s the ideal Ph level for the best soil for fiddle leaf figs?

The ideal pH level for fiddle leaf figs is between 6.0 and 7.0.

This range is considered to be slightly acidic, which is the ideal growing conditions for fiddle leaf figs.

Soil that is too alkaline or too acidic can prevent the plant from absorbing nutrients properly, which can lead to stunted growth or yellowing leaves.

To ensure that your soil is the ideal pH level for fiddle leaf figs, you can use a pH testing kit. These kits are available at most garden centers and online retailers.

Once you’ve tested the soil, you can adjust the pH level by adding lime if it’s too acidic or sulfur if it’s too alkaline.

Can I use cactus soil for fiddle leaf figs?

Cactus soil is very sandy and contains very little organic matter. This makes it ideal for plants that require high levels of drainage, but it can be too harsh for other types of plants.

In contrast, fiddle leaf figs are a type of tropical plant that prefers moist, fertile soil with good drainage. As a result, using cactus soil for fiddle leaf figs is likely to cause problems such as root rot or yellowing leaves.

Can I use succulent soil for fiddle leaf figs?

While succulents and fiddle leaf figs are both tropical plants, they have different soil needs.

Succulents are adapted to arid conditions and do not need a lot of moisture, so their soil must be well-draining. In contrast, fiddle leaf figs require moist, humus-rich soil that will retain water.

As a result, succulent soil is not ideal for fiddle leaf figs. Over time, the soil will drain too quickly and the roots will not be able to access the moisture they need.

If you are potting a fiddle leaf fig, it is best to use a potting mix that is specifically designed for tropical plants. This will ensure that your plant has the nutrients and moisture it needs to thrive.

Can I use orchid soil for fiddle leaf figs?

The answer depends on the pH level of the orchid soil. Fiddle leaf figs prefer a slightly acidic soil, with a pH level between 6.0 and 6.5. If the orchid soil has a higher pH level, it can be adjusted by adding some peat moss to lower the pH.

Orchid soil typically has a neutral pH, so it may need to be slightly adjusted before using it for fiddle leaf figs. In general, it is best to use a potting mix specifically designed for fiddle leaf figs to ensure optimal growth.

Do fiddle leaf figs like moist soil?

Most plants prefer moist soil, and fiddle leaf figs are no exception. These tropical plants are native to rainforests, where they receive plenty of moisture from the humid air and frequent rainfall.

When grown indoors, fiddle leaf figs need to be watered regularly to mimic their natural environment.

The best way to water a fiddle leaf fig is to give it a thorough soaking, allowing the water to reach the roots.

Then, allow the soil to dry out completely before watering again. This will help to prevent root rot, which can be fatal to fiddle leaf figs.

Signs you’re using the wrong soil for your fiddle leaf fig

If you’re using the wrong soil for your fiddle leaf fig, you may notice that the leaves start to yellow or brown. This is a sign of nutrient deficiency, which can be caused by soil that is too alkaline or too acidic.

There are many signs that tell you that you might be using wrong soil for your fiddle leaf fig. Let’s look at them:

Yellowing leaves:

If the leaves of your fiddle leaf fig start to yellow, it could be a sign that the soil is too alkaline or too acidic. This can prevent the roots from absorbing nutrients properly, which leads to yellowing leaves.

Also, fiddle leaf figs prefer a soil that is high in organic matter, such as peat moss or compost. This helps to retain moisture and prevent the roots from becoming waterlogged. In addition, the soil should be well-draining to avoid problems with root rot.

Brown leaves:

One of the most common causes of brown leaves on fiddle leaf figs is using the wrong type of soil.

Fiddle leaf figs prefer well-draining, slightly acidic soil. If the soil is too heavy or dense, it can cause the plant to become waterlogged, leading to brown leaves.

In addition, if the soil does not have enough nutrients, it can cause the leaves to turn brown.

Leaves falling off:

If you notice that your fiddle leaf fig is shedding its leaves, it’s important to check the type of soil you’re using.

Fiddle leaf figs prefer a well-draining, slightly acidic soil. If the soil is too dense or compacted, it can cause the roots to suffocate and the leaves to fall off.

If the soil is too sandy or loose, it can result in insufficient moisture and nutrient levels, which can also cause leaves to fall off. 

When should you repot fiddle leaf fig?

Fiddle leaf figs typically need to be repotted every 18-24 months. If you’re unsure whether your fiddle leaf fig needs to be repotted, there are a few telltale signs.

The most obvious is if the plant is starting to outgrow its pot. You can also check the roots by gently tipping the plant out of its pot. If the roots are tightly packed or growing out of the drainage holes, it’s time for a new pot.

When repotting a fiddle leaf fig, choose a pot that’s only marginally larger than the existing one.

Fiddle leaf figs prefer to be slightly rootbound, so there’s no need to go up more than one pot size. Be sure to use well-draining potting mix and water regularly but sparingly.

Conclusion paragraph: Best soil for fiddle leaf figs

If you want to make sure your fiddle leaf fig has the best chance of thriving, use a well-draining potting mix with plenty of organic matter. And don’t forget to water regularly and fertilize monthly—your plant will thank you for it!