Monstera Peru: What it is and how to take care of it?

The Monstera family, which includes the popular and well-known Monstera Peru, is a group of plants that are unique in shape and texture.

The plant’s leaves stand out due to their color and appearance.

They thrive outdoors or indoors with the right care. If you’re looking for a houseplant that is different from other traditional ones, then Monstera Peru may be perfect for you!

Monstera Peru is a favorite of both home gardeners and plant collectors, but you have to keep in mind that it’s poisonous.

If you’re looking for a houseplant that grows quickly and is a great addition to the plant family, this is it

Read to know more about Monstera Peru and how to take care of the plant.

Monstera Peru

What is the Monstera Peru?

Monstera Peru (also know as Monstera Karstenianum Peru) is a unique plant that belongs to the calla family known as Araceae. It originated in Peru, so it gets its name, Monstera Peru.

The leaves of this plant lack fenestration. Its glossy, deep green foliage is thick and firm with a different texture to it.

It used to be rare, but no more. Although, it has definitely become popular and is a prized possession as a house plant.

Monstera Peru Care & Growth


Monstera Peru is one of the most popular plants that require low light. However, it can withstand high light, but won’t thrive under it for too long.

Place it where it gets indirect sunlight or sunlight through a sheer curtain.

The darker green color of the leaves indicates that a plant can tolerate low light, so this Monstera is quite tolerant.

But, it cannot live in shade. Make sure it gets enough sunlight though.

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Monstera Peru has a relatively high tolerance for drought and retains water for a long time, but it doesn’t mean that you should let the soil dry completely before watering it again.

On the other hand – Never allow the pot to sit in water.

Drain excess water away from the base of the pot after watering if possible.

It is better to water Monstera Peru about once every week and always touch the soil to ensure it is not overly wet.

If the leaves begin to curl, you should know it needs water.

Soil mix

Monstera Peru prefers well-draining, breathable soil mixtures that is airy for the roots.

Roots should not sit in excess water, which leads to root rot, and the right soil should allow water to drain quickly. That’s the only thing you should remember while selecting the soil for your Monstera Peru.

Temperature & Humidity

Monstera Peru likes moderate temperature. Considering they come from the rainforest, they like humidity.

You can maintain the humidity by misting the plant occasionally.

Other than that, you can

  • Keep a bowl of water near the plant to increase humidity in and around the plant
  • Install a humidifier

Just keep them away from cold areas with no sunlight.


Just like any other Monstera, Monstera Peru also grows big. They are climbers by nature, so they do grow fast and big.

Remember, they are epiphytes. That means they grow on trees for support.

The roots do not grow too deeply into the earth, and as a result, the plant does not depend too much on them.


Monstera Peru propagation is just as simple as any other.

All you have to do is use water to propagate roots.

Make sure you have a few leaf nodes submerged in at least a few inches of water to increase your chances of new development.

Once they have roots, plant them carefully.


Monstera Peru can be fertilized as little as once a month and that too, with mild fertilizer.

In winters, avoid fertilizers all together so there is no salt buildup in the soil.

Pot Requirement:

Monstera Peru is not an indoor plant for sure, but you can still maintain it as a house plant.

That means Monstera Peru requires a decent-sized pot at least 8 inches wide and 12 inches deep.

Sometimes it would require additional support of moss as Monstera Peru is naturally a climber.


Monstera Peru can be repotted up until the roots are exposed. Once they are exposed, they will not do well in a smaller pot which is why you should avoid that as much as possible.

You have to be very careful while repotting them and you can read more about that here.


To keep your plants healthy, just mist and wipe them down with a damp cloth or sponge two to three times per week.

During dusty conditions, this becomes even more important as dust can accumulate on the leaves easily without you realizing it!

Frequently Asked Questions on Monstera Peru

Why does Monstera Peru has crispy brown leaves?

Your plant is suffering from a lack of water.

The leaves are crispy and light brown because it doesn’t have enough moisture to keep them green, so you will need to make sure that they’re getting plenty of H2O to keep them moist.

Why do Monstera Peru leaves are curling?

Monstera leaves curl up when they’re thirsty and avoid losing more water by curling away from the source.

So make sure your Monstera Peru is watered enough.

Why are Monstera Peru leaves yellow?

Yellow leaves are usually the first sign of trouble for Monstera Peru.

If the yellowing is limited to the margins of the leaves, it’s probably because your plants aren’t getting enough nutrients.

Yellow leaves can be caused by a lack of humidity, too much sun exposure or even too much fertilizer.

If you notice your Monstera Peru is suffering from yellow leaves, make sure to water more frequently and move it into a shady spot that has good air circulation and indirect sunlight.

What about pest infestation on Monstera Peru?

Monstera Peru is susceptible to pests like aphids, mealybugs and mites.

Luckily, these pests are easy to treat with a diluted solution of dish soap mixed with water or neem oil.

Is Monstera Peru rare?

You’ll find Monstera Peru to be one of the most uncommon plants you can buy, but it isn’t rare.

A few years ago this plant was difficult and not easy for some people to find; nowadays many nurseries carry them in stock or online, which means that if your shopping around at all – even just looking on Amazon- there will likely come up as an available options right when they’re needed!

Is Monstera Peru from Peru?

Yes, Monstera Peru is native to the country of Peru.

That’s where you’ll find them in their natural environment, though nowadays they can be found throughout homes around the world!

Is Monstera Peru poisonous?

Monstera Peru is toxic for humans or pets alike. So, you will have to take care to not ingest it in any manner.

Is Monstera Peru actually a Monstera?

Yes, Monstera Peru is actually a member of the Monstera family and it’s extremely unique.

That means if you’re looking for a plant with an exotic and unique look, then Monstera Peru is your choice.

Final thoughts on Monstera Peru:

If you are looking for a house plant that is different from the traditional ones, Monstera Peru may be perfect.

It has an unusual shape and texture to its leaves.

And if you want to know more about this unique plant, then I hope this blog post on Monstera Peru helped you out.

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