Fiddle leaf figs toxic to cats
Do you have a fiddle fig plant?
Fiddle fig plants are popular household plants because of their attractive foliage. However, these plants can be toxic to cats and other pets if ingested.
It’s important to be aware of the dangers posed by fiddle fig plants, so that you can take steps to protect your pets from accidental ingestion.
Learn more about how to keep your pets safe from fiddle fig plants in this post –
What are fiddle leaf figs?
Fiddle figs (Ficus lyrata) are a type of evergreen tree that is native to tropical regions of West Africa. The trees can grow up to 50 feet tall and have large, glossy leaves that are shaped like a violin (hence the name “fiddle fig”). The trees are often used as ornamental plants in homes and gardens.
Although fiddle figs are not poisonous to humans, they can be toxic to cats, dogs, birds, and children if ingested. The fig plant has sap like substance which contains calcium oxalate with sharp crystals – which look like small needles.
These crystals can cause irritation to the mouth and throat, leading to difficulty swallowing and vomiting. If your pet ingests a large amount of fig sap, it could result in fiddle fig poisoning.
That is why, you need to be extremely careful if you have fiddle figs in your home and you have pets or small children.
In this post, we will understand everything about fiddle figs toxicity to cats, dogs, and birds. We will also learn about the symptoms of fiddle leaf fig poisoning in cats and dogs are and what you should be on the lookout for!
Are fiddle leaf figs toxic to cats?
If you have a fiddle leaf fig, you may be wondering if it’s safe to have around your beloved cats.
Unfortunately, the answer is no.
The fiddle leaf fig emits a white and milky sap from all parts of the plant, and this sap contains calcium oxalate with sharp crystals.
If your cat ingests this sap, it can cause various kinds of irritation and other problems. Besides this, it can cause a wide range of symptoms, including:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Excessive drooling
- Oral irritation
- Excessive drooling
- Tongue swelling
- Mouth Swelling
- Reduced appetite
- Weakness
So while your fiddle leaf fig may be beautiful and unique, it’s important to keep it out of reach of your four-legged friends.
Are fiddle leaf figs toxic to dogs?
Just like cats, dogs can also be poisoned by fiddle leaf figs for the same reason as stated above.
Some of the other symptoms include:
- Tongue Swelling
- Irritation or pain in the mouth
- Drooling
- Vomiting
- Breathing problem
Are fiddle leaf figs toxic to birds?
Yes, fiddle figs are also toxic to birds for the same reason. If your bird ingests the sap of a fiddle leaf fig, it can cause irritation and other problems.
Some of the other symptoms include:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
Why are fiddle leaf fig so toxic?
The sap of the fiddle leaf fig contains high levels of calcium oxalate.
When ingested, this substance can cause severe irritation in the mouth, throat, and stomach.
Additionally, it can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. In some cases, ingestion of calcium oxalate can even cause difficulty breathing.
How poisonous are fiddle leaf figs?
The severity of the symptoms will depend on how much of the sap your cat ingests.
If your cat ingests a small amount, they may experience mild irritation and drooling.
However, if they ingest a large amount, it can lead to more severe symptoms, such as vomiting and difficulty breathing. In serious cases, ingestion of calcium oxalate can be fatal.
In whichever case, make sure you take them to the vet as soon as possible.
What should you do if your cat (or pets) ate a fiddle leaf fig?
If you think your cat has ingested sap from a fiddle leaf fig, it’s important to seek medical attention right away.
Take them to the vet or an emergency animal hospital immediately.
Be sure to let the staff know that your cat has ingested calcium oxalate, as this will help them provide the proper treatment.
What parts of fiddle leaf fig is toxic to cats, dogs and birds?
All parts of the fiddle leaf fig are toxic to cats, including the sap, leaves, and stem.
Even if your cat doesn’t eat the plant, they can still experience irritation and other problems if they come into contact with the sap.
If your cat has been in contact with any part of the fiddle leaf fig, it’s important to wash them off with soap and water right away.
You should also contact your vet or an emergency animal hospital for further instructions.
What are the symptoms of fiddle leaf fig poisoning?
The symptoms of fiddle leaf fig poisoning can vary depending on how much of the sap your cat ingests.
If they ingest a small amount, they may experience mild irritation and drooling.
One of the first symptoms you might notice is the tongue swelling. besides this, you may also notice foaming at the mouth and breathing probe
However, if they ingest a large amount, it can lead to more severe symptoms, such as vomiting and difficulty breathing. In serious cases, ingestion of calcium oxalate can be fatal.
Some other symptoms that may be seen with fiddle leaf fig poisoning include:
– Diarrhea
– Excessive drooling
– Oral irritation
– Vomiting
If you think your cat has ingested sap from a fiddle leaf fig, it’s important to seek medical attention right away.
How is fiddle fig poisoning generally treated in pets?
Usually, the first step is, the cat’s mouth will be flushed out with distilled water to help minimize further oral irritation and prevent them from swallowing anymore toxins.
The vet will give your cat an emetic, which makes it throw up any food that isn’t digested. They may also administer activated charcoal to prevent the absorption of toxins in this case and if necessary, they’ll use Sucralfate or Kapectolin too!
How do I keep my cat away from my fiddle leaf fig?
The best way to keep your cat away from your fiddle leaf fig is to keep it out of reach.
– Location is everything:
Keep your fiddle leaf fig out of reach of your cat, whether that means putting it in a room they can’t access or keeping it at a secluded place away from all the objects.
If you put fiddle fig on an elevated shelf or place, cats may try to jump and play with it.
– Use barriers:
If you have a fiddle leaf fig tree, consider covering it with netting or another type of barrier to prevent your cat from getting to the leaves or sap. You can use cats garden mats or even chicken wire
– Try a repellent:
You can also try spraying your fiddle leaf fig with a pet-safe repellent to help keep your cat away. Just be sure to follow the instructions on the repellent and reapply as needed.
– Cat proof the pot:
If you have a potted fiddle leaf fig, make sure to use a heavy pot that your cat can’t tip over. You can also try putting the pot on a high shelf or another area where your cat can’t reach it.
Besides this, you can also do this –
- Cats don’t like pungent smells. You can either spray lemon juice or keep peels of any citrus fruits around the plant.
- Mix coffee grounds with the soil – the odor is disliked by cats
- You can also keep Herbs like lavender and rosemary near your rubber plant to keep cats away
FAQs on fiddle leaf gigs toxic to cats:
How to keep the fiddle leaf figs away from dogs?
A few ways to keep fiddle leaf figs away from dogs are:
- Keep it at a height where they cannot reach the plant
- Sprinkle some pepper around the plant or keep peppers around. Dogs don’t like the smell and will automatically stay away
- Dogs don’t like pungent smells. You can either spray lemon juice or keep peels of any citrus fruits around the plant.
- You can also keep cayenne pepper near your fiddle figs for your dogs to completely avoid that area
How to keep the fiddle leaf figs away from birds?
A few ways to keep fiddle leaf figs away from birds are:
- Keep scarecrow near the plant
- Hang rubber snakes near the plant
What indoor plants are safe for cats?
If you’re looking for a safe indoor plant for your cat, there are a few options to consider.
Some safe plants for cats include:
– Spider Plant
– Boston Fern
– Bamboo Palm
– Areca Palm
Are fiddle leaf figs poisonous to dogs and other pets?
Fiddle leaf figs are toxic to dogs or other pets. The sap can cause irritation if it comes into contact with their skin or eyes.
If your dog ingests the sap, they may experience mild gastrointestinal upset.
To avoid problems, it’s best to keep your fiddle leaf fig out of reach of all pets.
If you think your pet has come into contact with the sap, be sure to wash them off with soap and water right away. You should also contact your veterinarian for further instructions.
Is fiddle leaf fig pet friendly?
No, fiddle leaf figs are not pet friendly.
The sap of the fiddle leaf fig is poisonous to both cats and dogs.
If ingested, the sap can cause mild gastrointestinal upset. In addition, if the sap comes into contact with your pet’s skin or eyes, it can cause irritation.
To avoid problems, it’s best to keep your fiddle leaf fig out of reach of all pets.
If you think your pet has come into contact with the sap, be sure to wash them off with soap and water right away. You should also contact your veterinarian for further instructions.
Which pets are vulnerable to fiddle leaf fig poisoning?
Fiddle leaf figs are poisonous to cats, dogs and birds.
Final thoughts on fiddle leaf figs toxic to cats
Fiddle leaf figs are a beautiful, but potentially toxic plant that may be perfect for your home.
They’re not only an attractive addition to any room, they also help clean the air and reduce stress levels.
However, if you have pets or small children in your household it’s important to keep them away from the sap as this can cause irritation or even poisoning.
The best way to keep your family safe is to keep the plant out of reach or cover it with a barrier.
If you think your pet has come into contact with the sap, be sure to wash them off with soap and water right away and contact your veterinarian for further instructions.